Explore templates and tips for post-interview follow-up emails to job seekers. Learn how to professionally offer jobs, reject candidates, or provide feedback, ensuring a respectful and constructive recruitment process.
A recruitment process should consist of a few steps: research, screening, or interviews, but also giving feedback after each meeting. This is the polite and professional thing to do, yet it is forgotten by many businesses.
Today, we’re going to talk about sending a follow up email after interview, but from the company’s perspective. If you take the right approach, you can stay professional during the entire hiring process and be appreciated by candidates regardless of their recruitment outcome.
Candidates appreciate receiving a thoughtful follow up email after their interview. It shows that you’re interested in their application and haven’t forgotten about them. Even if they’re not selected for the role, it’s still polite to send them feedback on why they weren’t chosen.
It is not only good manners, but it can also be helpful for the job seeker. They will know what to improve on and where they fell short. It can help them in their job search by learning which specific skills they need to work on.
From a business perspective, sending out after job interview emails shows that you’re professional and that you don’t close doors on people. It’s always possible that a candidate will be a better fit for a different role in the future.
Depending on the recruitment outcome, this email communication can be a great place for discussing any additional questions applicants may have, a wage negotiation, or a general overview of the following steps.
It’s possible, or even likely, that a particular candidate has applied to more than one position/company, so it’s important to clarify which one you are referring to.
The email example subject lines of a follow up email after an in-person interview should be clear, concise, and specific. You can also refer to any previous emails you may have sent or received, continuing the thread in one place.
Adding a “follow up” part to your title will make it stand out from other emails, making candidates more likely to open it. There are other possible approaches as well, though.
Depending on the outcome of the interview, there are a few different types of messages that you can write in your follow up email after interview. However, there also are common parts that should be included in every email.
Either way, you should always thank candidates for taking their time to apply and attend an interview. They made the effort to come, so show your appreciation.
You should always keep the tone polite, yet straightforward. You shouldn’t beat around the bush and be vague about the results. They are probably impatiently awaiting the results of the interview, so be concise rather than write a long, explanatory email.
Hello [Name],
Thank you for coming in for an interview with us yesterday. Unfortunately, we’ve decided to go with another candidate. We do, however, appreciate all of your time and effort.
If you have any interview questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your contact details].
Thank you again for your time,
[Your Name]
Hi [Name],
Thank you so much for coming in for an interview with us last week. I regret to inform you that your application was not successful this time.
I wanted to let you know why we made our decision: [reason 1], [reason 2] and [reason 3].
However, we would like to keep your resume on file for any future opportunities.
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for coming in for an interview with us yesterday.
After careful consideration, we have decided to go with another candidate. We appreciate your time and effort put into your application and attending the interview.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [my contact details].
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for your time and effort in applying for [position] at our company. We had a number of qualified candidates, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet all of them.
Unfortunately, we have decided to go in a different direction and will not be extending an offer for [position] to you at this time. We appreciate your interest in our company, and we encourage you to reapply in the future should another opening become available. Thank you again for your time, and we hope that you will keep us in mind for future opportunities.
Best regards,
[Your name]
Good morning [Candidate],
Thank you for taking the time to apply for the [position].
We had a difficult time assessing the interviewees, and we appreciate all of the hard work you put into your application. Unfortunately, we have decided to go with another candidate who is more suited for the job requirements. Thank you again for applying and best of luck in your future endeavors.
[Your name]
Hi [Candidate]
Thank you for taking the time to interview with us yesterday. We enjoyed meeting you and getting to know more about your skills and experience.
We wanted to let you know that we have decided not to extend an offer to you for the position at this time.
Thank you again for coming in, and we wish you all the best in your job search.
[Your name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for taking the time to interview with us. We enjoyed getting to know you and appreciate all of your hard work. We were particularly impressed with your [skill/experience].
After careful consideration, we will regretfully not be offering you the position in this round of intake. However, we would like to keep your resume on file for any other opportunities that may present themselves.
Thank you again for interviewing with us, and we hope you’ll keep us in mind for future opportunities.
Best wishes,
[Your name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for your time and interest in our company. Unfortunately, we have decided to pursue other candidates at this time. Despite this, we sincerely appreciate all of your hard work and would still love to keep in touch. As such, we would still like to offer you the opportunity to remain a part of our talent pool.
Once again, thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you in the future.
[Your Name]
Hi [Candidate],
I would like to personally thank you for coming in for an interview with me on [Day of the week].
I enjoyed our interview conversation and I think in the future you could be a great fit for the [position] role here at [company name].
However, we have decided to go with another candidate at this time.
I want to thank you again for your time and ask you to please keep in touch.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
Hello [Name],
Thank you so much for coming in for an interview with us yesterday.
We wanted to let you know that you were successful and we will be contacting you soon to discuss the next steps.
Thank you again for your time,
[Your Name]
P.S. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your contact details].
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for coming to meet with us yesterday. Your interview was a great success and we have decided to offer you the position.
Please let me know when you can start and what your availability looks like.
Thank you again and I’m excited to have you on board.
[Your Name]
Hi [Candidate],
Thank you for the interview on [Day of the week],
We are very happy to inform you that we would like to welcome you to [Company].
We are excited to have you as a part of our team and we are looking forward to a great future together.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get started. I’ll be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
Dear [Candidate],
I hope this email finds you well.
I wanted to let you know that we have decided to offer you the position following your successful interview – you had us at “hello”!
Please let me know when you will be available to start.
I’m excited to have you on board.
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for coming in for an interview with us yesterday. We think that you would be a great fit for the role and we enjoyed getting to know you.
We would like to invite you back for a second interview with our CEO.
Please let me know when you are available and I will work to schedule it.
Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]
Hi [Candidate],
Thanks for coming in for an interview with us last week. It was great meeting you and we enjoyed getting to know you better.
After discussing it with the team, we have decided to invite you back for a second interview.
Please let me know when you would be free for a call with our CMO and I’ll work to schedule it.
Thanks again for your time,
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
I would like to thank you for having an interview recently.
I think you would be a great fit for the job, so I would like to invite you for the final stage of the interview process.
I would like to schedule a call together with our CEO for next week.
Please let me know when you are available and I will work to arrange a time for you.
Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
Thank you for coming in for an interview.
I enjoyed meeting you and getting to know more about your skills and experience. We need a few weeks from now to make a final decision, but we will keep you in mind and let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your time,
[Your Name]
P.S. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions in the meantime.
Hi [Candidate],
Thank you for meeting with us yesterday.
I wanted to let you know that we are still considering candidates and will be making a decision within the next few weeks. We will be in touch again soon.
Best wishes,
[Your Name]
Hey [Candidate],
Thank you so much for coming in to interview with us yesterday.
We really enjoyed meeting you and we are still considering candidates.
We will let you know as soon as we have a decision, but until then thank you again for your time.
Kind regards,
[Your Name]
Hello [Candidate],
We would like to thank you for interviewing for the [position] at [company].
We are glad to have had the opportunity to get to know you better and we will be in touch soon with our decision. However, this may take a few weeks so please bear with us. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your patience and have a great day,
[Your Name]
No matter if you are writing to reject a particular candidate or rather welcome them on board, always send a follow up email after interview. It is in good taste to let the candidate know the result of their interview, whether positive or negative.
Here are some tips on how to write a follow up email after interview:
Writing a follow up email after interview is a common courtesy that should be extended to all candidates, whether they are offered the job or not. Even if you have already made a decision, it’s always best to let the candidate know in a professional and polite way. Bad news should always be delivered with a touch of empathy, so rejection etiquette should be maintained at all times. And if you have good news to share, writing such an email should be nothing but a pleasure.
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You don’t have to, but it couldn’t hurt. By sending even a short message to applicants, you show that you are interested in their candidacy and appreciate their time and effort. It is in good taste for your company to appear professional.
Yes, as they may apply for other jobs in the meantime, or have already done so. You don’t want to leave them wondering which position your email is regarding.
A follow up email after interview can be short and sweet, but it should always include an update on the hiring process. You might be letting the applicant know whether they got the job or not, or mentioning the next steps in the decision-making process. This is also a great opportunity to send some additional materials. If you have to reject someone, don’t worry – it’s perfectly normal. Just keep your tone professional and thank the candidate for their time. And if you want to hire someone, that’s great. Let them know as soon as possible so they can start preparing for the job. In any case, it’s always best to keep the applicant in the loop with what’s going on.
Yes, a follow up email is a great way to show your appreciation for a candidate’s time and it can also help to keep you at the front of their mind in order to start building a professional relationship with them. Increasing trust is also a great benefit of this strategy. You may want to include a brief status update of the position and let the candidate know how they did in the interview. Thank them for their time, and be sure to include your contact information in case they have any questions. It’s a small thing for the hiring manager, but it can mean a lot to the candidate.
There’s no one answer to this question because it can vary depending on the situation, but as a general rule you should send a follow up email within 24-48 hours after the interview. In your follow up email, you should thank the candidate for coming in for the interview and let them know that you enjoyed meeting them. You should also let them know whether or not they will be receiving a job offer or an invite for a second interview. If they weren’t successful, you should provide feedback as to why you are not offering them the job. If you don’t have a decision yet, you can let the candidate know that the application process is still ongoing. This will at least give them an idea of where they stand. If you decide to move forward with another candidate, be sure to let the rejected applicant know as soon as possible.
Yes, this is a courteous practice. It can depend on a lot of factors, however, such as how many people applied for the position or were interviewed. Generally speaking, it’s not absolutely necessary to send a follow up email to unsuccessful applicants – but it would be greatly appreciated. If you do decide to send a follow up email, be sure to personalize it and keep the message brief. You could simply say something like, ‘Thank you for applying for the position, we appreciate all of the time and effort that you put into your application.’ or ‘We appreciate your interest in the position and we wish you all the best in your job search.’ However, nothing stops you from giving extensive feedback either.
Yes, you can use follow up email templates like those provided above, but make sure to personalize them as much as possible. If you add the name of your company and the position which the candidate applied for, it will show that you took the time to read their application. This will eliminate any potential confusion, and they will appreciate the gesture.
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