Find FIFA's contact details for customer service, including email (, phone (+41 43 222 7272), and social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). FIFA is the international governing body for football, futsal, and beach soccer.
It looks like you’re trying to reach FIFA’s customer service team. Unfortunately, we’re not associated with FIFA’s support team. We are two entirely different business organizations. However, to make your life a little easier, we’ve researched FIFA’s website and found the following customer support contact details. Please get in contact with FIFA’s representatives by reaching out to them directly using the contact information below.
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FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) is an international governing body of association football, futsal, and beach soccer. It is responsible for organizing and overseeing major international tournaments in these sports, including the FIFA World Cup, which is the most prestigious tournament in football.
FIFA was founded in 1904 and currently has 211 member associations. Its headquarters are located in Zurich, Switzerland. FIFA is also responsible for developing and promoting the sport worldwide, ensuring fair play and enforcing rules and regulations. In addition to organizing tournaments, FIFA also awards various accolades and honors, including the FIFA Ballon d’Or for the world’s best male and female players.
FIFA’s customer care team provides support via the following channels: call centre, social media, and email via form.
If you’re looking to contact FIFA, there are several different methods you can use, including their Knowledge Base, email, phone, contact form, or social media. Here’s what you need to know about each method:
FIFA’s Knowledge Base is a database of information that provides answers to frequently asked questions about their products, services, and activities. You can search the Knowledge Base to find answers to common questions, such as how to buy tickets for the World Cup or how to register for FIFA competitions.
FIFA provides several email addresses for different purposes. If you have a question or comment about FIFA’s activities or services, you can email If you’re a member of the media and have a press inquiry, you can email On the other hand, if you prefer to speak with someone directly, FIFA’s phone number is +41 43 222 7272. Keep in mind that this number is for general inquiries only, and you may be directed to another department or email address depending on the nature of your inquiry.
Company also provides a contact form on their website, which you can use to send a message to their customer service team. The form asks for your name, email address, and the nature of your inquiry, and allows you to attach files or documents if necessary. Last but not least, for quick advice, company has a strong social media presence on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can send a direct message to their social media accounts or tweet at them with your question or comment. Keep in mind that response times may vary depending on the volume of messages they receive.
Overall, there are several ways to contact FIFA depending on your preference and the nature of your inquiry. Whether you choose to use their Knowledge Base, email, phone, contact form, or social media, it’s important to be clear and concise in your communication to ensure the best possible response.
FIFA is a non-profit organization which describes itself as an international governing body of association football, fútsal and beach soccer.
Customer service team of FIFA offers the following support channels: email via form, call center, social media support.
You can contact FIFA by emailing them via form, calling their hotline or by leaving them a message on one of the social media platforms.
You can contact their support by writing an email at
No, the FIFA doesn't have live chat support.
If you prefer call support, you can contact their helpline +41 43 222 7272.
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