

No matter how big or small your company is, customer satisfaction should be your priority number 1. To deliver excellence, you need right tool at your hand. Because of wide range of products and brilliant performance/price rate, LiveAgent could be just the solution you have been looking for. With our helpdesk solution you can step up your game and move to a whole different league in areas like customer satisfaction rate, effectivity of your support agents and even save operational costs.

You do not need to hire dozens of agents to be best in what you are doing. Implementing the right solution could be the game changer, but do not take our word for it. We will show you how LiveAgent can change your business on real-life example. Read along and you will find out how company called Nutricia shows others what excellent support really means.

About Nutricia

Communication on support line is handled by nutrition therapists, lactation advisors, nurses and other experts from the field of child care. We are proud of the fact, they trust LiveAgent as their helpdesk of choice. Currently Nutricia uses LiveAgent to provide sophisticated and educated support in 2 countries for users of their websites Nutriklub and Klub maminek.

Times they are a-changing

Nutricia has been using LiveAgent since spring of 2014. Before that they relied just on internal email solution and one of the free live chat software offers. Company soon realized this is not the way to move forward and that they need to step up their game.

“Software we used before LiveAgent has not been suitable for us anymore. We needed features like chat assignments, automatic routing and complex analytics. Our free solution was not ready for scope of our work and volumes of inquiries we were receiving”, said Lukas Mitas from Nutricia. We were looking for tool with reasonable price/performance rate and scaling options that would be able to handle our wokload,” Lukas Mitas added.

“Choosing LiveAgent helped the company to move forward in areas like effectivity and mainly customer satisfaction.”

What is important as well – using online support helps them to save costs, because they effectively reduced work volumes of their call center which is way more expensive compared to online support solutions.

Nutricia is currently using LiveAgent in 2 countries. They employ “just” 5 top level experts from nutrition area on their live support.

Raising effectivity does not necessarily mean that quality of service would go south. Customer satisfaction of Nutricia has been undoubtedly increased. Bear in mind that their support service is very specific – health of our children is at stake, so there is absolutely no space for compromises.

Learning curve? What learning curve?

In spite of complex set of features, LiveAgent is still dead easy to use.

“Getting used to LiveAgent has been a breeze.”

Our agents have learned how to use the software really fast. Teaching other people who have access to LiveAgent has been absolutely seamless as well,” Lukas Mitas said. Working as an administrator I have to point out excellent and comprehensive analytic features LiveAgent has to offer,” he added.

Lukas Mitas – Digital Specialist @ Nutricia

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